Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Today is a Special day

Today marks the one year anniversary of the day I started to change my life. I started on the path to a healthy me. My whole life I have spent blaming God for my problems. I would say to myself "Why does he hate me so much", "Why did he give this body" Etc. Then I realized I had the power to change. All the reasons I was unhappy were my doing and only I could change it. There was no miracle pill, surgery would make me thin but would not take away my problems. Not only am I much happier now the most important thing is I am healthier now. I am proud of my accomplishments and I want to thank my friends and family who have given me there support and encouragement. I love you all so very much and again thank you!


Kerri said...

Incredible, Diane! I want to channel some of that motivation and make changes in my own life. You are such an inspiration to me. Steve and I often comment how grateful we are to have your family in our lives. Thank you!

Did you just wake up one day with the motivation to change, or did you have to start changing before the motivation and drive to go on came?

Walt said...


Most of the inspiration has been your own - I have just been there to see the wonderful changes you have made in your life.

I know that you will make your goal, you just have to keep doing what you are doing now.

You are my inspiration and I look up to you for the changes you have made in your life.

Wether you are taking care of the boys or the house you always seem to put your best foot forward and I love that in you.

Love always


Kerry said...

Di- you are stronger than you think and always have been. All about loving the person you are and want to be.

You inspire me to be better than I am. I am so proud of you. And am so thankful that the changes you have made may lead to a long a healthy life together.

love you always.

LeAnn said...

You are absolutely right on all those counts. It is easy as a mom, wife, etc. to put other things first. We forget to take care of ourselves, fill our needs too. You are amazing! A great example.