Okay, So I've decided that potty training is the worst thing ever! Liam is about a week and a half in the process and he is doing pretty good now, but it has been the longest week and a half of my life. For the simple fact that for the first few days he cried and kicked and screamed "I don't want a potty" and the accidents in him pants. I have read in several articles online about potty training and several of them have said pull ups are a mistake. So we went straight into underwear. Oh my goodness is it nasty. I will not go into details. Your Welcome. He is pretty proud of himself when he does make it to the potty.

Thanks to Celeste for giving me the m&m idea it works pretty good. He get 2 m&ms for #1 and 4 for #2. Which pretty much makes him hyper by the end of the day. He also has a pretty sweet toy car waiting for him to succeed. He will be starting preschool soon. We (meaning me) are so excited that he got excepted to preschool and he needs to be potty training to go. So we will be potty trained by the time he starts, oh yes we will be potty trained by the time he starts. (thought maybe if I said it twice it will be so. :o)
Good luck! I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts! Rachael couldn't go the preschool I wanted her to because she wasn't potty trained in time! Aye! Let me know how it works!
Oh it is just the worst!!! Wish they would just reach the age of 2 and go on the toliet! No tricks or treats.
Keep on him. He'll get it.
Sounds like my G was much easier than your guys. Hoping M will be easy too.
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