Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sick, Sick, Sick, Sick and Sick

Friday February 27Th 2am Liam wakes up vomiting and continues most of the day.
Thursday March 5Th Eoin has the same type of sickness Liam had the week before.
Thursday March 12Th Walt gets sick.
Saturday afternoon Eoin starts running a fever by Sunday Morning Liam has a fever also.
Will this ever end? I just thankful that I haven't gotten sick. Will wait and see what Thursday brings for me.


Kerri said...

wow...I'm not so sure that I want to trade places with you; that's a really long time for you to be mending people!!! Sometimes it does seem like it never ends...Steve's taking a sick day today, too (our poor husbands), and I caught myself thinking, when is it my turn to have a sick day??? But really, are Moms really allowed to just stay in bed? I don't think so.

Kerry said...

You spoke to soon. Sorry that you are not well and hope the entire family is back soon.
