Friday, July 4, 2008

Six Words to that discribe my life

I have been tagged by Kerry and was asked to describe my life in six words. I will do my best.

Wonderful, Challenging, Exhausting, Happy, Grateful, Loving.

1) Wonderful- My life is truly wonderful. I have an awesome family, I have 2 handsome sons, I am married to my soul mate and in the word of Barry White he's "My first, My last, My everything", great friends, a roof over my head, food on my table and gas in my car. I thank God everyday for my life.

2) Challenging- Motherhood is challenging for me. I struggle everyday with the question am I a good mom. I call my mom everyday for advice on how to get my children to listen to me. Liam is going to be 3 in 20 days and I know that he is testing the boundries, but he is still challenging. Sometimes I believe he is saying to him self what will mommy do when I throw her toothbrush in the toilet, take my poopy diaper off and sit bare butted on her couch, run out of the house in nothing but a diaper while she is going potty, (yes he has done all of these things). Which poses the question, What would you do if your 2 and a half year old ran out of the house while you were on the toilet, would you finish your business or quickly pull up your pants and run after them? Eoin is going to be six in October. He is extremely strong willed and independent. He does what he wants when he wants no matter what the consequences. I have told him several times to not ride his bike in the street. I warned that if he did it again he would lose his bike for a week, but he did it anyway and got caught. When I took his bike away he kicked and screamed, which is what I expected. I did not expect him to do it everyday for an entire week every time he ask if he could have his bike back and I wouldn't give in. I did not back down despite the constant nagging.

3) Exhausting- Not only do I have my 2 kids which is exhausting enough. I watch a 1 and a half year old every week day her name is Elaine. Most of the time they get along. But sometimes Liam has these moments when he is just down right mean. I know it's a jealousy issue and I am trying my best to handle it, but it is exhausting.

I have been working out for several months now trying to get fit and I still am tired all the time. Walt and I have been working with a personal trainer since February and she works us pretty hard. Last night we had a session and our usual trainer wasn't there so we had someone else train us and OMG he pushed us so much harder than our usual trainer. My legs felt like jello when we were done. I was in bed and asleep before 10pm. How pathetic right?

4) Happy- Over all I am really happy. I have so much love in my life and I feel like I could not have asked for a better life. I didn't always feel this way. I have been unhappy for a long time, but i'm am starting to realize that we are responsible for our own happiness. I was to busy most of my life blaming other people for how my life turned out. We make the choices that alter our lives. I choose to eat what ever I wanted and choose not to excersice which caused me to be heavy. No one else was responsible for that. I have changed my life and I am healthier and happier for it. This is my advice to you, if you are unhappy in your life think long and hard about what you can and are willing to change and sacrifice to make yourself happy. Don't look to others to make you happy you HAVE to do it your self.

5) Grateful- I believe there is a God and he listens and answers are prayer. He doesn't always give us the answer we want to hear and he does it in his own time. I am extremely grateful for the life I have. I am so blessed. Not with wealth or material things, but with life and love and friendship. That is all I could ever want. Wealth would be nice, but I have all that I need to survive.

6) Loving- I love all my family and friends with my whole heart and I am so lucky to have you all in my life.

Walt- You are the best husband a girl could ask for. I am so blessed to have you and I hope you know how much I love you.

Dad- Your my hero! You are so loving and kind and have so much faith and understanding in all of your children, and no matter what we did or do I know you love us unconditionally. I love you.

Mom- I know we have not always got along and I am so sorry for that. I have always been to sensitive and quick to lash out. I know you love me and I am blessed that you my mom. I love you.

Cathy- Your my biggest sister and I look up to you. You are a strong, intelligent woman and I could only hope that someday I will be half the woman that you are. I love you.

Vicky- You are so much more smart and beautiful than you give yourself credit for. You deserve better things in life than you are getting. You deserve to loved and respected and I don't belive you are getting that. I know you are nto sentimental, but please know that i love you and I will always be there for you.

Steve- You are my only brother and I love you. Don't wait for happiness to fall in your lap. Go out there and get it. What ever it takes! Life is to short to waiste on regrets. I want to see you happy. I want you to share your life with someone and just so you know the perfect person doesn't exist. You are a wonderful person and a great big brother.

Sheila- We have always had fun together and pretty much have the same sense of humor. I have always been able to talk to you about anything. Thanks for always being there. I love you.

Kerry- What can I say. You are an amazing person. You inspire me! You are so kind and generous to everyone. You give yourself 100% to everything you do. I admire you so much. You are so intellignet and beautiful and I am so lucky that I have you in my life, not only as my niece but as my best friend. I love you.

To all my other family- I could right so many things about each and everyone of you. It would take me forever. Please just know that I love you so much and I am so proud of each and everyone of you.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Love you too! Thanks for playing along. Nice way to reflect. Very sweet post and a wonderful life. :)